First Day of School Procedures

August 1, 2024

Greetings Harvard Elementary Parents,

I hope you had an enjoyable summer with your loved ones and are ready for the start of the new 2024-2025 school year on Monday, August 12th

First Day of School Procedure

We will post on the front and back gates of students’ classrooms. Please drop off your child at one of the gates and have them line up on the yard. Staff will be available to assist. If dropping off multiple students in different grade spans, choose either gate to enter the campus to alleviate congestion. UTK and Kindergarten parents may accompany their child to the auditorium through Beverly Blvd. We will introduce the UTK and Kindergarten teachers at 8:15 am. 

Daily Schedule

  • Gates will open at 7:45 am
    • UTK-2nd grade students enter/exit from the main entrance on Harvard Blvd.
    • 3rd-5th grade students enter/ exit from the back gate located on Kingsley Drive
  • Students should arrive on campus by 7:55 am
  • Instruction begins at 8:00 am, dismissal will be at 2:28 pm, except every Tuesday starting August 13, 2024, dismissal will be at 1:28 pm.
  • Attendance is critical for the success and participation of your child. We encourage students not to miss more than 7 excused absences in a school year to have excellent attendance.


Breakfast: 8:00-8:15

Recess: 10:05-10:25

Lunch: 11:45-12:30


Breakfast: 8:00-8:15

Recess: 10:30-10:50

Lunch: 12:10-12:55

Breakfast/Lunch will held in the outdoor cafeteria pavilion. Students will eat in the auditorium or inside their classroom during inclement weather.

Please return the Emergency Contact Forms distributed on the first day of school. Please notify the main office if your emergency contact information changes. The parent handbook will also be distributed on the first day. I look forward, to seeing your child at school. If you have questions, please contact the Harvard Elementary office at (323) 953-4540.


Mr. Lai, Principal